FADEN FRIDAY – June 2023

By Controlgame
on June 30, 2023

Director, it’s time to step back and celebrate what June had to offer in the land of virtual photography. And once again, you shared some incredible captures.
A big thank you to everyone in our community who continues to share their Control shots as part of #FadenFriday. We appreciate you more than you know!
Want to be in with a chance of getting featured on our website? Tweet us using #FadenFriday or submit your shots here: https://505games.com/uploads/ We’ll keep a close eye on submissions and showcase our favourites at the end of every month.
Take a look at our favourite #FadenFriday June submissions below.


Credit: @CyberTribal86

Credit: @Mefiull

Credit: @SpecialCases24

Credit: @Shivzmarie

Credit: @RedDevi_784

Credit: @reddeadgem

Credit: @misthiosvp

Credit: @MechXican

Credit: @lilbiscat

Credit: @kimchitraveler

Credit: @katethebat

Credit: @Jonuthin

Credit: @Jaamoe

Credit: @discophotomode

Credit: @discophotomode

Credit: @katethebat

Credit: @Diego64350036

Credit: @Shivzmarie

Credit: @Defalt368

Credit: @Steven_VP1