FADEN FRIDAY – April 2023

By Controlgame
on April 28, 2023

The end of the month is near, so it’s time to look back at some incredible virtual photographers who have brightened up our mentions throughout April.
A big thank you to everyone in our community who continues to share their Control shots as part of #FadenFriday.
Want to be in with a chance of getting featured on our website? Tweet us using #FadenFriday or submit your shots here: https://505games.com/uploads/ We’ll keep a close eye on submissions and showcase our favourites at the end of every month.
Take a look at our favourite #FadenFriday April submissions below.


Credit: @solinstruments_

Credit: @Steven_VP1

Credit: @the_eighteenth_

Credit: @alxgzar

Credit: @Anima1Hugs

Credit: @CaptureControl

Credit: @CyberTribal86

Credit: @discophotomode

Credit: @El_G0NZO

Credit: @Jonuthin

Credit: @katethebat

Credit: @kimchitraveler

Credit: @m_nt_13

Credit: @Mattignis

Credit: @MrTJ_808

Credit: @NinjaDuckie

Credit: @safeeze

Credit: @MrTJ_808

Credit: @Jonuthin

Credit: @solinstruments_

Credit: @CaptureControl