Community Spotlight: Sarah Mendonça #OldestHouseOctober

By Controlgame
on November 10, 2022

Ever since Control was announced back in 2018, our fans have impressed us with their amazing fan art. Even now, all these years later, we’re still overwhelmed by the support you show us through your Control creations. Last month, one of our incredibly talented fans, Sarah Mendonça, caught our attention with her clever #OldestHouseOctober idea. Today, we wanted to put the spotlight on her amazing art!
Sarah’s idea was genius! Work on an illustration, every day throughout October, and use these works of art to build out a huge Control fan poster filled with notable characters and objects from in-game. There’s so much to take in and the attention to detail is unreal. Check out the full thread here, via this link:
Take a moment to look through each illustration below and be sure to show Sarah some love over on Twitter!



Are you as much of a fan of Sarah’s work as we are? Well, you’re in luck! Sarah has kindly offered the Control community the opportunity to download the final poster here: #OLDESTHOUSEOCTOBER POSTER
Let us take this opportunity to once again say a big thank you to everyone who is a part of our community. Your love and support means the world to the team at Remedy Entertainment and 505 Games. Keep that fan art coming, we love to see it!