Photo Mode Contest #CaptureControl

By Controlgame
on November 22, 2019

Last month, we introduced Photo Mode to Control, giving our community the opportunity to capture the Oldest House and those within it in a whole new light. We’ve been overwhelmed with the response, and so many of your shots have taken us by surprise – in the best way possible! Whether you’re a returning player or a new visitor to the Federal Bureau of Control, we now want to celebrate the creativity of our players and reward those who produce something spectacular.
We’re excited to announce our #CaptureControl competition (which runs from November 22nd 06:00 PST until December 6th 06:00 PST) where we invite our US based community to submit their best Photo Mode shots, for a chance to win some money-can’t-buy prizes.
In order to enter the #CaptureControl Photo Mode contest, entrants must create an in-game screenshot from Control using the Photo Mode feature. If you’re not sure how this works, let us fill you in.
• When playing Control, you can open the Photo Mode feature by selecting Options in the pause menu.
• Only edit your screenshot using the options available to you in-game
• When you’re sure of the screenshot you’re submitting, share it on Twitter with the hashtag #CaptureControl.
• Make sure you’re following @ControlRemedy! This will allow us to contact you if you’re a winner.
3 winners will be selected at the end of the contest by Remedy Entertainment. Winners will be notified via Twitter DM through the @ControlRemedy account and announced publicly in the next Control website blog.
• 1st prize – Signed framed print of winner’s entry from Remedy Entertainment.
• 2nd prize – Signed Control poster from Remedy Entertainment.
• 3rd prize – Control T-shirt, stickers and tote bag.
For those new to Photo Mode…
• In the Camera tab, players can do the following…
o Roll the camera by degrees while pointing at the same subject
o Broaden or tighten the Field of View
o Change the Focus Distance
o Adjust the Aperture and determine the depth of field.
• There are 10 different filters for you to pick from.
Don’t be afraid to experiment and get creative. Don’t be afraid to make us laugh, either. We are looking for originality, artistry, and individuality. And weirdness, of course, because what would Control be without weirdness?
We cannot wait to see what you come up with! For full terms and conditions, visit this link.
Let us wrap this up by saying thank you. Since launch, we’ve had so much love and support from our players across our community channels. We’ve said it many times already, but it really does mean everything to the team here at Remedy and 505 Games. Long may it continue!
After some inspiration? Check out some of these stunning shots in-game from our Control community!
(Credit – DotPone)
Control PC requirements
(Credit – DotPone)
Control PC requirements
(Credit – TJ Marinelli)
Control PC requirements
(Credit – TJ Marinelli)
Control PC requirements
(Credit – Dead End Thrills)
Control PC requirements
(Credit – Dead End Thrills)
Control PC requirements