One Year In Control

By Controlgame
on August 28, 2020

Hi everyone. Yesterday was an incredibly special day for the team at Remedy and 505 Games. Not only did we launch our AWE expansion and launch Control Ultimate Edition over on Steam, but Thursday also marked one year since we first launched.
The past year has been a wonderful roller-coaster ride. It’s been so heartwarming to see the love and passion you have for Control. Nothing brightens up our mentions more than seeing your fan art, photo mode shots and kind words. Honestly, it means everything to the team.
The Control community oozes talent and we wanted to take a moment to stop and put the spotlight on as many of you as possible. With that in mind, we recently asked you all to submit your best creations to be in with a chance of being featured in our One Year Anniversary video! And of course you didn’t disappoint! We received HUNDREDS of entries! Take a look at what our players have been busy doing over the past year…

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A huge thank you to everyone that submitted their creations! We were overwhelmed with entries which unfortunately meant it was impossible to include all of you! However, over the coming weeks and months, we will continue to put the spotlight on our community, which is why we’ve now opened up a new Community tab here on the Control website. Here you’ll find some of our top picks! Check it out…

Want to get involved? Submit your fan art or photo mode shots here for a chance to be featured!
Let me wrap this up by again saying thank you once again to everyone that has shown Control love and support. Not just over the past year, but since we announced Control back at E3 in 2018. It’s been quite the adventure!

(Banner by @Haelyonn)