Control: The Foundation Expansion Trailer
Welcome back to our Control community blog. Today, I’m handing things over to Vida Starčević (Remedy’s Community Manager) to talk about a new trailer we’ve just released into the wild. Over to you, Vida..
Hi everyone, The Foundation expansion is the first big piece of additional story content we’re bringing you after Control’s launch. After a brief teaser we posted on social media on Thursday, the full trailer was released today. Watch it below!
Helen Marshall, the Head of Operations who went missing during the main campaign of Control, might hold some answers to what’s going on in the deepest parts of the Oldest House.
In The Foundation, the Astral Plane is colliding with our reality. Jesse Faden, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Control, must travel through the caverns of the Foundation to prevent the Astral Plane from consuming the Oldest House. As Jesse travels deeper, she will learn more about Marshall’s disappearance, and about the enigmatic Board.
The Foundation launches on March 26th on PlayStation 4 and the Epic Games Store, and on June 25th on Xbox One. To access The Foundation, you must have purchased the content and finished the main campaign of Control.In addition, all of you who own Control will receive a March update, which includes the Shield Rush ability upgrade, the option to redistribute spent Ability Points, and more. We will be talking about that and other quality of life updates we are including in the free March update leading up to the launch of The Foundation, so stay tuned!